Range Rover Sport - Full Satin PPF
One of the hardest challenges that face our customers when they come in to our shop for a wrap, is deciding just what they want to do. Even if they come in with the idea of a Satin Black wrap, there are still a great many options to explore. In this particular case, our customer had gone to another paint shop here in town to get just that, a Satin Black finish for their Range Rover Sport. Unfortunately, the paint shop wasn't very equipped for the task and the customer ended up with a very soft paint job that was scratching very easily and a good deal of broken trim and body panels. We wanted to help. We had to. So we offered the antithesis of a soft paint job, Full Satin Paint Protection Film. The satin finish went a long way to mask all the scratches and the PPF will keep this vehicle looking fantastic for years to come.